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Governor General's Literary Awards

A group of awards presented annually by the Governor-General and the Canada Council for the Arts for outstanding books in both English and French.

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Canada: Tomorrow's Giant
Canada: Tomorrow's Giant
Canada: Tomorrow's Giant
Book Winner, Non-fiction, 1957
Nominees: Bruce Hutchison
Street of Riches
Street of Riches
Street of Riches
Book Winner, Fiction, 1957
Nominees: Gabrielle Roy
The Boatman
The Boatman
The Boatman
Book Winner, Poetry Or Drama, 1957
Nominees: Jay Macpherson
The Great Chief
The Great Chief
The Great Chief
Book Winner, Juvenile, 1957
Nominees: Kerry Wood
The Path of Destiny
The Path of Destiny
The Path of Destiny
Book Winner, Non-fiction, 1957
Nominees: Thomas H. Raddall
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